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Welcome to my bookshelf!

These are some of my favorite books on writing

Some talk fiction craft, some talk creative process, and some talk life

all have helped me at one point or another

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The Breakout Novelist

by: David Maass

This book not only covers how to master the basics of writing tools like characters, plot, and theme, it also gives advice on how to take these things from good to great. Additionally, the third section deals with publishing: what to do and how to do it. An essential resource for any novelist looking for advice on what to do when the manuscript is done.

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Self-Editing for Fiction Writers

by: Renni Browne & Dave King

This book is simply a must-have for anyone serious about publishing their fiction. It'll help you make your writing look as good as it can before you take the leap and send it off. Everything is well explained with clear examples and exercises at the end of each chapter.

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Wreck this Journal

by: Kerri Smith

Okay, this isn't a writing book, but it is a creativity book. This is perfect for anyone looking to stretch their creative wings or let themselves be free to make mistakes. It allowed me to think outside the box and cultivate my creativity in ways I never imagined.

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Story Trumps Structure

by: Steven James

This is for anyone who's ever been called a "pantser" and felt like it was a bad thing. It isn't. You may actually be better off than the so-called "planners" and this book will tell you why. I myself am a "pantser" and found James' perspective both freeing and refreshing.

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Help! For Writers

by: Roy Peter Clark

This book tackles 21 problems most writers deal with. Everything from "my middles sag" to "I can't think of anything to write." It provides a whopping 210 collective solutions and each piece of advice is written in a bite-size chunk to help you easily find what works best for you.

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Creative Juices

by: Cynthia Beach

This succinct book not only touches on the tools of story craft, but dives into the creative process and the importance of soul care. The wear and tear writing has on our souls is often left out of other writing help books, which makes this one a trove of advice for any writer who's experienced burn out or frustration with writing. Which, let's be honest, is all of us.

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Stein on Writing

by: Sol Stein

Valuable advice on both fiction and nonfiction as well as a section on revision. Stein's practical and straightforward approach makes it easy to tailor his advice to your own work in progress. He often provides fresh ways of looking at aspects of writing each of us is familiar with, like dialogue, conflict, and the classic "show, don't tell."

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The Emotion Thesaurus

by: Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi

Ever find yourself stuck using the same few nonverbals? Do your characters nod and sigh constantly? Then this book is for you! It provides a list of physical signals, internal sensations, and mental responses to 75 different emotions. It's a great starting point to get your creativity rolling and keep your fingers from typing "he smiled" for the 13th time in a row.

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Anything that's not a book.

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